"We've been Where you are" Crisis intervention with a spiritual emphasis.
"We've been Where you are" Crisis intervention with a spiritual emphasis.

Woman 2 Woman: Center for Women's Ministries

We provide one-on-one peer counseling as well as group classes and book studies.

We offer HOPE to hurting women through free peer counseling for emotional and spiritual healing.

To visit with a peer counselor or for more information about us, please call 573-327-0643, email us at jcmocwm@gmail.com, or complete the form below.

Woman 2 Woman is a safe place for hurting women to receive non-judgmental listening, comfort, encouragement and prayer support. We are here to point women towards Jesus Christ, and to encourage them to draw closer to God through Him. We are a 501(c)(3) not for profit, local office of the International Center for Women's Ministries, based out of Bloomington, Indiana, which was established in 1989.

Who we are...